The core catalyst for a recovering South Africa is a revitalised and resurgent economy. Over the past few years, our economy has been in the doldrums with the current outlook still uncertain. The finance ministry projects real GDP growth for 2023 at 1,6% with other economists and economic bodies projecting it as low as 1,0%. Either way, this is not yet enough to put South Africa on the path to recovery. Our manufacturing sector remains weak, contributing 13% to our GDP and only employing 9.7% of the population. This weakness is exacerbated by a shortage of artisans and engineering skills to run a modern manufacturing economy. Ballooning Government debt – now at a record high of R4.7 trillion – and over 3775 hours of rolling load-shedding, plus a higher than-ever unemployment rate paint a challenging picture for South Africans and South African businesses.


Globally things do not seem much better and a good example is the Collins Dictionary Word of the Year 2022: ‘ permacrisis’ – defined as ‘an extended period of instability and insecurity’. Many would say this is an accurate synopsis of the past few years.


So,  where does that leave Southern Power and its clients?

We sincerely believe Southern Power is in a wonderful position of opportunity to:


  • Develop closer relationships with our commercial and leisure clients to ensure we assist them in being successful.
  • Grow Southern Power’s resources by adding another technical sales representative and a technical operations manager, ensuring we are capacitated to carry out our mandate.
  • Invest in new systems that include a new inventory management system and, later on in the year, an online web store that makes us easier to do business with.
  • Invest in partnering closer with our current service dealers and appoint new service dealers to bring our aftermarket service closer to our customers.
  • Invest in systems and product training from our leading Principles/OEMs.
  • Focus on new technologies with our existing Principles, in order to move to a greener and more carbon-neutral footprint.
  • Develop our off-the-grid power solutions for homes and offices, with high-quality products and service. In uncertain times we, and our customers, will not idle our engines until the lights come on. Let’s power ahead together in new and innovative ways.

At Southern Power, we believe the future is what we make it, and we are focused and dedicated to driving improvements in all areas of our customers’ lives, providing them with the best experience, support, and products now and into the future.

Wishing you all the best for 2023.